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Why do I need One-on-One sessions with an instructor before joining a class?Classes at Birdsong are about more than just technique. One-on-One Sessions give us a chance to get to know your body, past injuries, and current frustrations. For example, Barbara injured her hip in a cycling accident last year and it's been giving her trouble so I'm going to modify her exercise in class today or Mary has a hard time lengthening her legs during seated exercises, so I'm going to give her a bolster. These are just two examples of what your instructor may do for you in class... all because of what they learned about your body during your One-on-One sessions.
I've been practicing Pilates for years, do I still have to take Privates before joining a class?"Yes. If you've been doing Pilates for years then you are probably aware of the differences in equipment and teaching styles. Private sessions give you chance to familiarize yourself with the equipment and the way we work at Birdsong.
Why don't you offer tiered pricing options with your Instructors?Imagine you had the flu and the receptionist at your doctor's office asked you if you wanted to see the Good Doctor, the Better Doctor, or the Best Doctor? At Birdsong, you get to see the best "doctor" every time. We're super proud of all our Instructors and if they're working at Birdsong, you can bet you're going to get the best we have to offer.
If I can find three friends who want to work out with me, will you design a class just for us?"One of the great things about being a small studio is that we can often cater to the specific needs of our community. Just CONTACT US with what you're looking for and we'll try to put something together for you.
Why do you sometimes use massage during my Individual Pilates Session?Over the years we've found that a combination of precise bodywork and Pilates is the most effective way of helping our clients. Many of our clients come to us with injuries from trying to "push through" their limitations during their workout when what they really needed to progress to next level was a simple muscle release.
Do I need a Membership to participate at Birdsong?No. But we highly recommend them. Not only do they save you money on classes, our members enjoy the benefits of discounted bodywork, guest passes and more... See our MEMBERSHIPS page.
I love to play golf, but lately while practicing my swing, my left hip is hurting. Is Pilates something that can help?"Yes, One-on-One Pilates sessions are great for trouble-shooting muscular-skeletal issues and figuring out what needs to be strengthened and what needs to be stretched or released so that your body is in balance during your golf swing.
I recently had hip replacement surgery and have completed my post op Physical Therapy sessions. Is Pilates something I should consider next?Absolutely! Pilates can be a safe and effective way to transition from PT to regular exercise activities. Be sure to get the green light from your doctor first.
I’m suffering from horrible allergies. Should I skip my Pilates session?If you do not have a fever, please come in to the studio. The breathing and movement that happens in Pilates, can help boost your immune system and clear out a little congestion. If you do have a fever, or are truly needing to stay in bed and rest, we understand. Please see our 24 hour cancelation policy.
My knees hurt all of the time and I'm worried that I can't do any Pilates exercises.One of the great things about Pilates is that all of the exercises can be modified to fit your individual body. Just let the instructor know about your knee and they will adjust the exercises in order to keep you off it until the problem subsides. We also have several apparatuses that we can use to modify the exercise and find the most comfortable way to strengthen your body without causing more pain.
My Dad is in town for a short time and I really want him to experience a Pilates Session. Can I bring him with me even though he is not a member?Yes, we love to see family members at Birdsong. The more support our families can give each other, the better our individual practices can become. Please schedule an individual or duet session and let us know the situation. If there is space, they will be welcome. If they need a referral to a Pilates studio near their home, let us know because we are active in the Pilates community and may be able to help.
Should I eat before my workout?Please have something light in your stomach before coming to a class or individual session. If it’s in the morning and you have not had breakfast, grab an apple or banana or something that grows from the ground so you have a little fuel in your tank.
Is Pilates good for men, too?"Yes! Pilates is good for both men and women. Joseph Pilates, was the creator of "Contrology" which we now call Pilates. The exerices we do in Pilates were originally created to strengthen both men and women's physiques.
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